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MH Premium Farms is the trading name of the MHPF group of companies, all operating and managed in Australia.
MH Premium Farms (MHPF) is owned by Lord Michael Hintze. Since 2007 MH Premium Farms has acquired a range of properties across Eastern Australia. The group now owns 16 properties strategically located across several climatic regions with operations in all traditional agricultural enterprises. The total area is now more than 59,500 hectares.
The properties offer a diverse portfolio producing:
Prime lambs, wool and beef
Broad acre cropping of cereals and oil-seeds
Irrigated cotton and sugar
This is a long-term investment and properties are developed and improved with careful attention to sustainable production practices and environmental responsibility. The company is committed to being a leading producer and an employer of first choice within the industry.
For information please contact:
Committed to outcomes
We understand what we need to do
Continuous Improvement
We validate and adopt best practice
Transparent and Honest
We care about how we do it
We care about how we work with each other
We care about the wellbeing of our people, animals and environment
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